Improvements to Processes list

Our latest update makes it easier to review the status of all active Processes.

What is it?

Processes list is a favorite view for most our users. It makes so easy to see all active processes in one place and instantly spot status of each individual process:

But previously there was no way to see if any individual task inside the process is being overdue or has a close due date.

Now you can easily spot if any tasks are at risk being overdue:

How do I use it?

This feature is automatically available in latest version of Metatask, you don’t need to do anything. Tasks are marked in red by same rules as inside Task view:

  • If a due date is today or tomorrow
  • If a task is overdue already

Questions or suggestions?

Feel free to reach out at any time at!
You can also contact me right inside Metatask using our messenger located in the right-bottom corner of the screen.